Immigration & Business Development Services

About Us

The Story of our Business and why We started it.

Our Business Clients hard work and dedication to Their Business Inspires Us.

That is Why CanExcel works diligently and provides Outstanding service to Excel the Success of Their Business.

Our Certified Digital Marketing Professional will provide a Step-by-Step Plan to Excel Their Online Presence. This will Increase Their Revenues Substantially.

Our Team has over 25 years Business Development and Marketing Experience. 

We Value Our Clients and Vow to Achieve Their Goals.

About Our Immigration Services

Our Immigration Business was started to provide full support in your relocation to Canada. We know that being there with you and for you. Makes Adapting to a New Country easier.  


CanExcel’s knowledgeable Immigration Consultants know the Immigration processes Extremely Well. Having the opportunities they have today. Coming from India and The Dominican Republic, they want Everyone to have that same Dream.


We will also provide assistance in Settlement that will assure Your Relocation to be stress-free. Our Business Coordinator and Team will make sure that you have the Guidance and Help you will need to start your life in Canada.


You will Start off as a Client and become part of CanExcel’s Family. We Will Be With You Every Step of Your Journey and that is Our Commitment to You.

Meet The Management Team

Fully-licensed and Certified experts

Evangeline (May) Zimmer

Business Coordinator

Evangeline came to Canada from the Philippines. Her background in the Medical Industry helped her acquire a position as a Home Support Worker in Canada. Where she obtained her Permanent Residence Status in Saskatchewan. She is now a Proud Canadian Citizen.

Evangeline’s interest in the Digital World took her to achieve an Education in Digital Marketing. She is a “Certified Digital Marketing Professional” and an “AMA (American Marketing Association) Professional Certified PCM in Digital Marketing”

Her objective is to Excel Business clients in their Online Presence and Success. As well as assisting those from abroad to make their Transition moving to Canada enjoyable and easy.

Kashish Sareen

Licensed Immigration Consultant

Achieving a Bachelors/Masters Degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering. Kashish had a Dream to come to Canada from India.

He continued his Education arriving in Canada as a “Oaths Commissioner” while working in an Immigration Business. In which he became passionate in helping others achieve their Dream of becoming a Canadian.

Kashish used that passion to become a very knowledgeable Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC-CICC).Licensed to practice in the province of Saskatchewan.

His objective is to Help Others to have the same Opportunities he has been Given. You won't find another Consultant with a Bigger Desire for you to Succeed in Canada.

Kashish is Bilingual in English, Punjabi and Hindi

Marvin Zimmer

Business Manager

Marvin was raised in a small farming community in Saskatchewan. With over 20 years of Marketing & Business Development experience. Working with some of Canada’s prestigious companies such as TTC (Toronto Transit Commission), Bombardier, Qatar Airways, Sears Canada and many others.

Following, Marvin found a passion with working in Immigration. He started assisting Foreign Investors in opening businesses throughout Canada, acquiring Foreign Skilled workers during Labour shortages, even Relocation and Settlement assistance. His love for helping people is evident by his actions.

His Objective is for people to succeed either in their businesses or their personal life.

Frequently Asked Questions about our services

Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services.
If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help

No matter what you want to achieve, Digital Marketing is going to Benefit your Business.

Imagine having a hundred thousand conversations with potential clients. Presenting what your Business can do for them. How many of those people would become your Clients?

Think of reaching that many potential clients in a short amount of time and cost. 

Traditional Marketing is a way to continue to Excel local and rural clientele.

We will show you how to use Traditional Marketing to even build a stronger Internet presence locally.

No matter what you hear, Traditional Marketing is not dead although maybe not utilized to its full potential.

Definitely! You should never assume that because social media has become so hugely popular, that it’s enough to solely focus your digital marketing strategy on social platforms.

There are more active email accounts than active accounts on any social media in the world. Email marketing is more private and often feels more personal to the consumer.

Because they are unique, promotional products help your company stand out from your competitors and make it easier for customers to recognize your brand instantly once they see your logo.

If the item is something useful, customers will see it frequently and think of you whenever they use it. Eighty-five percent of people do business with the advertiser after receiving a promotional item.

Nothing Better than showing your clients they are appreciated.

What makes Businesses stand out? It is the unique approach they choose to market their products.

By using data analytics, businesses can pinpoint precisely what customers are looking for. Data enables businesses to do in-depth analyses of client trends, which businesses can then utilize to develop successful, focused, and targeted marketing.

Very valuable for deciding what is working and what needs to be tweaked to Excel your Business.

Publications, brochures, posters and other types of printed materials are physical items. These items can stay in offices or homes for months or even years after they are received.

While many non-physical marketing materials are useful for a single purpose, the benefits of print media extend farther than most people think.

The added bonus is that CanExcel will show you how it can Increase your Internet presence as well.

There are several options for Immigration to Canada. Not only is there Federal options, Provinces in Canada have additional options for there Provincial growth.

It is best if you fill out our Assessment Form in which CanExcel can determine what process will be Beneficial for you.

From past Clients (Family Members Now) and our Team Members that have come from Abroad. We have learned that full support in Relocation makes the transition smoother.

We will provide additional services to get your Government needed Documents. As well as Canadian Health Care, SIN (Social Insurance Number), Assistance with Drivers License and many other things needed with Living in Canada.

We will also get you familiar with your residential area and the town/city you will be living in. No matter what, CanExcel will assist you in whatever it takes for you to feel comfortable in your surroundings. 

Canada needs higher levels of immigration to support its population, labour force, and economic growth, as well as to have enough workers to pay the taxes necessary to support important social services such as health care and education.

Immigration benefits Canada in many ways such as; 

  • Increased economic output and living standards. 
  • Potential entrepreneurs. 
  • Increased demand and growth. 
  • Better skilled workforce
  • Net benefit to government revenues
  • Deal with an ageing population. 
  • More flexible labour market. 
  • Solves a skills shortage


Canada is one of the most Diverse countries in the World. We Welcome all from all over the World.

An immigration consultant will know all of the permits, regulations, and standards. They can explain confusing parts of the application and ensure everything is filled out correctly while meeting the proper regulations so your application has a better chance of being approved.

The most important benefit of working with Our immigration consultant is that he will look out for your best interests. You always have someone on your side, fighting for your application and immigration to be approved and helping you achieve your goals. Immigration can be a long and difficult process.

The CanExcel Team will be with you every step of the way.

Certain processes for Immigrating to Canada require you to have sufficient language skills in either English or French. There are minimal processes that don’t require much English.

Speaking English is an important step in the settlement process because it helps newcomers obtain better jobs, get involved in their communities, participate in events, express themselves and live their lives in Canada with Confidence.

So, continue learning English. It will open doors for you and give your life a fulfilling feeling in Canada

A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to get before hiring a foreign worker. A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job.

As Canadians we want locals to fill positions within your business. Unfortunately, sometimes the task of achieving that is difficult. We will work with you to solve this problem. Allowing you to continue focusing on the Success of your Business. 

Our Commitment to You

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” 

Our Team is in Full Belief of these Words. All our Clients are important and what they want to Achieve is just as Important to Us as it is to Them.